Instead of sending out the usual card in an envelope, the ladies over at
100 Layer Cake did a little project where they used vintage wallpaper to line the inside of envelopes and then used the rest to make flowers to place on the plates as name cards for the reception! Such an easy way to add a touch of romance into your regular ole' save-the-dates cards and invitations. On top of all that, they used vintage wallpapers because it was material they already had in hand. Great tip to save money! Look around your house and if there's anything lying around that you don't need, use it to get creative with your decorations! Saving money is always a plus.
OMG! Love this idea. If you dont know what kind of paper to use, you should go to They have tons of flocked wallpaper and vintage wallpaper. Plus they will mail out samples to people so that you know the colors will match! Love this idea!