Monday, December 13, 2010

DIY Milk Glass with Hey Gorgeous

Hello, My Bride Story fans! My name is Rhiannon and I am the gal behind the blog Hey Gorgeous. I've recently ventured into the incredible world of wedding styling and planning and am so glad I have been able to correspond with one of my biggest inspirations, Esther. Her blog and business are a constant source of motivation for me and I am entirely grateful for her advice and guidance.
Esther has asked me to provide a little how-to on a DIY craft I featured on my blog this summer. Using some old vases and cups, I recreated vintage milk glass pieces that I then clustered together to create a lovely centerpiece to adorn any space in your home or at your next event. The steps were easy, the supplies were cheap and the outcome was beautiful. I hope you find as much inspiration as I did with this fun little project.

{Step 1} Find various types, shapes and sizes of vases and glasses. I used a Re-usit Center by my home, but the Dollar Store, the Goodwill and flea markets are great laces to look. Try to look for textured surfaces and unique shapes. Be sure to remove all price tags and dirt from the surface before spray painting.
{Step 2} Cover an outdoor space with newspaper to protect from the paint and space of your pieces on the paper. Using flat white Krylon spray paint, begin to spray each piece making sure to keep an even stream of paint as your move up and down each vase.
{Step 3} Let the vases completely dry before spraying the edges of the vase bases, and let the pieces dry overnight before filling with water and adding in your favorite flowers. I didn't have any problems with the paint peeling away from the glass, but for extra protection you could add a sealer over top of the white paint to keep the colour from wearing off.
To read more about this project, click here!


  1. Awe thank you Esther for letting me be a part of your inspirational blog :)a

  2. ooh, what a great DIY project! When I saw the first photo, I thought those were real milk glass. They look great!

  3. didn't know you could do that! now i won't have to go on a long search for milk vases! thanks! :)

  4. You are brilliant! I am obsessed with milk glass but antique stores can charge a fortune for those things! What a great alternative! LOVE!


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